Math in 2nd Grade (Mrs. Fox)

Mathematics Curriculum

Over the past few years WCSU's Math Steering Committee has worked to create our Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Performance Indicators (formerly WCSU Non-Negotiables - based on the Common Core State Standards, the Vermont Early Learning Standards, and current research in mathematics). These are the math concepts and skills that students at each grade level will understand and apply. The SLO and Performance Indicators were created to focus math curriculum into vertical alignment K-12 so all students in our Supervisory Union at a particular grade level will have the same content knowledge upon entering U-32. Adhering to these SLO and Performance Indicators is critical; if content and skills are not fully understood and mastered at each grade level the work for the next year becomes more difficult to achieve successfully. Each year of math learning adds to the student's foundational knowledge.

These are the Mathematical Content and Practices Grade 2 Performance Indicators.

Based on the SLOs and Performance Indicators the following are the units within my second grade math curriculum. Under each topic there are links to games, activities, information, or practice sheets you can use with your child at home to support our learning at school.

Place Value (August - January)

Number Patterns (August - June)

Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency to 20 (August - January)

Addition and Subtraction Computation Strategies (February - June)

Money (February - June)

Telling Time (February - June)

Measurement (February - June)

Story Problems (April - June)

Geometry and Fractions (May - June)

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