Friday, November 7, 2014

Highlights of the Week 11.7.14

Dear families,

This week has been great! We've been working together and taking care of ourselves well. Many of us do have colds though, so extra water and sleep please to keep us all healthy! 

We were also super excited to see snow on Friday but many of us were COLD at and after recess. Please start to send kids in with all their cold weather clothes (boots, warm coat, gloves/mittens, hat). If your child wears boots to school it's also good to send in indoor shoes so our floors aren't slippery and wet. Indoor shoes can stay in our room or make the trip home/school every day!

We practiced a few more reading strategies this week: break the word into smaller parts, flex the sound, and connect to the story. We have also been thoroughly engaged in Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. It's amazing how much we have learned about spiders through this novel. We've also read a few articles and books about spiders to supplement our knowledge of spiders and webs.

Students have done amazing science writing this week, taking their notes about the similar and different traits of their animals and creating sentences describing it all. Our study of traits and heredity is coming along nicely and all the students are excited to share their books with you!

We also did a fantastic writing activity called 2 Stars and a Wish. In this activity students reflected on the things they are happy about doing at school, things they are proud that they have done at school, and things they want to get better at in school. I'll send these home today so your child can share with you their stars and wishes. You'll also notice in your child's progress report I used the same language to reflect his/her progress so far. Please take a look at my notes and we can discuss them at conferences next week!

One last thing: next Wednesday we'll be making some listening tools to keep in the classroom. I have one parent helper already but if you're also free to help Wednesday 2:20-3:00 please let me know!

Important Dates:
November 10: Half-day for students; Parent/Teacher conferences
November 11: Half-day for students; Parent/Teacher conferences
November 13: All School Meeting 2:45pm
November 26-28: Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)

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